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Jana Vyšohlídová
Actress, puppeteer, author, producer 

For Jana Vyšohlídová, puppetry was destined to become her calling – it runs in her blood as the daughter of actress Jarmila Vlčková and musician, director, writer, and actor Jiří Vyšohlíd.

While genetics played its part, it was her formative environment that truly shaped her path – spending her childhood and youth immersed in the rich creative atmosphere of the renowned DRAK Theatre and the celebrated amateur Jesličky Theatre in Hradec Králové.

She enthusiastically embraced her artistic calling, pursuing acting studies at DAMU’s Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre under the mentorship of Miroslav Krobot. For several years, she performed at the Naive Theatre Liberec until she felt drawn to explore a different path. Her natural talents for organization and production began to emerge, leading her to study theatre production at DAMU. She later put these skills to excellent use as a producer for example at the Minor Theatre and the Pragokoncert agency.

After a period of defiance came a period of birth – beyond welcoming her two daughters into the world, an idea that would unite all her creative energies was born – and Jana started to create her own work. She began crafting her own artistic works, collaborating with numerous personalities from the puppet theatre world=friends=family, as naturally happens in this field; in her original puppet productions, she casts an actress who never oversleeps or turns a role down – namely herself.

In addition to her theatrical venture, she has made guest appearances at such venues as the Comedy Theatre, and occasionally does a bit part in a film or on television. She has received several awards, toured many festivals, and look out – she’s coming to you!

She has been captivating audiences through The Old Actress’ Theatre both in the Czech Republic and internationally since 2015. In her productions she focuses on high professionalism and aesthetics in all aspects, her aim is nothing less than great theatre in a small format.

Her perfectionist nature, combined with her natural comedic flair, creates performances that bridge generations, delighting both children and adults. In addition to her own theatre work, she has performed as a guest at venues like the Komedie Theatre, she has made select appearances in film and television. She has received several awards, participated in numerous festivals, and—watch out—she’s coming to yooou! 



10.30 h

Ošklivé kačátko


9.00 a 15.30 h
Národní dům
Ústí nad Labem

Ošklivé kačátko


15.00 h
Divadlo Trám

Chaloupka z perníku


8.30 h
Divadlo Trám

Chaloupka z perníku


9.00 a 10.30 h
KD Golf

a loupežníci


8.30 a 9.45 h
KD Střelnice



Gingerbread Cottage

A puppet love story from a dark forest

Do you want to see Hansel and Gretel, the Witch, and gingerbread? And then the oven and the shovel? Do you want to tremble with fear, wondering if the Witch will really eat the children? Do you want to rejoice when she obviously fails? You got it! However, you will see much more. And yet, it will still be the good old Gingerbread Cottage.

For children aged 4–10. 40 minutes with no break.

Scénář: Karel Doubravický

Režie a hudba: Jiří Vyšohlíd 

Dramaturgická spolupráce: Petra Zichová

Výprava a loutky: Luděk Joska

Hraje: Jana Vyšohlídová

Hrací prostor 4x4m, rovná pevná podlaha, zadní horizont, úplné zatemnění, přítomnost osvětlovače před a po celou dobu představení, reflektory pro základní nasvícení scény.

The Secret Garden

A spectacular puppet show with glittering scenery and light effects

A gnome loves flowers. A bumblebee loves opera. A mole loves peace and quiet. The mole doesn’t love opera. The gnome doesn’t love molehills. The bumblebee doesn’t love conflicts. The mole starts a conflict. The bumblebee mysteriously disappears. The gnome’s nerves are shot. Meanwhile, a very peculiar flower has grown in the gnome’s garden. And the slugs have multiplied.

Set to the sounds of the most famous opera arias, you’ll witness natural wonders, a mysterious crime, and the exoneration of someone wrongly accused. Well, someone…

For children aged 4–10. 40 minutes with no break.

Scénář: William Tilda

Režie a hudba: Jiří Vyšohlíd

Výprava a loutky: Luděk Joska

Hraje:  Jana Vyšohlídová

Technical specifications: stage space 4x4m, flat, solid floor, back horizon, complete blackout, presence of a light technician before and throughout the whole performance, possibility of borrowing spotlights for basic illumination of the stage.

Simply a Frog

A puppet grotesque without unnecessary words

A frog is simply born, and it’s simply a frog. However, isn’t being a frog more complicated than it seems? Let’s follow the arduous journey of one amphibian to its final form. Yet, just when it successfully navigates all its developmental stages and finally becomes a frog, another complication arises! Along comes some lunatic who kisses it – and suddenly, things start happening all over again…

For children ages 4–10. 40 minutes with no break.

Režie a hudba: Jiří Vyšohlíd

Dramaturgie: Marta Ljubková 

Výprava a loutky: Luděk Joska

Výroba: Roman Marek, Kateřina Housková

Hraje:  Jana Vyšohlídová

Hrací prostor 4x4m, rovná pevná podlaha, zadní horizont, úplné zatemnění, přítomnost osvětlovače před a po celou dobu představení, reflektory pro základní nasvícení scény.


A jungle thriller without words

Who is Mowgli? Yes, he’s the child lost in the jungle! The jungle that draws you into its depths along with him, offering one surprise after another. It won’t let anyone catch their breath, as friends and foes of little Mowgli emerge from the mysterious corners of the forest.

For children aged 4 – 10. 40 minutes with no break.

Režie a hudba: Jiří Vyšohlíd

Dramaturgie: Marta Ljubková 

Výprava a loutky: Luděk Joska

Výroba: Roman Marek, Kateřina Housková

Hraje:  Jana Vyšohlídová

Technical specifications: stage space 4x4m, flat, solid floor, back horizon, complete blackout, presence of a light technician before and throughout the whole performance, possibility of borrowing spotlights for basic illumination of the stage.

The Animals
A and the Robbers

A Puppet opera about chasing your dream

A classic tale of domestic animals cast out of their home and left to care for themselves. But the Goat, the Cat, and the Rooster refuse to let fate defeat them and they are determined to pursue their dream: a singing career. Is their talent enough? What does their loyal guide, the Chaffinch, think? And how will the robbers react? Do the animals, perhaps, have other hidden talents?

The Brothers Grimm told the story well, but Vít Peřina has made it even better. From the pen of a renowned author of puppet productions.

Scénář: Vít Peřina  

Direction and music by:  Jiří Vyšohlíd

Výprava a loutky: Luděk Joska

Výroba: Roman Marek

Hraje:  Jana Vyšohlídová

Hrací prostor 4x4m, rovná pevná podlaha, zadní horizont, úplné zatemnění, přítomnost osvětlovače před a po celou dobu představení, reflektory pro základní nasvícení scény.

The Ugly

A troubled journey with a good ending

Good things come to those who wait! This classic story, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen, follows the journey of a little duckling cast out from its home. Despite its courage and unwavering optimism in the face of hardship, can it survive the winter alone? Will it transform into a beautiful swan in spring?

For children aged 4–10. 40 minutes with no break.

Script and dramaturgy: Tomáš Jarkovský 

Direction and music by: Jiří Vyšohlíd

Stage setting and puppets: Luděk Joska

Výroba: Roman Marek

Starring: Jana Vyšohlídová

stage space 4×4 m, flat, solid floor, back horizon, complete blackout, presence of a light technician before and throughout the whole performance, possibility of borrowing spotlights for basic illumination of the stage.

Be Merry!

A Christmas story with all the trimmings

An extraordinary child was born – not in a hospital, but in a stable, on a bed of hay. Instead of an incubator, he was warmed by a donkey and an ox. Yes, it was a baby boy, and they named him Jesus. And even though it was the year zero, without the internet or mobile phones, half the world knew about it instantly! Back then, the most advanced information technology was Archangel Gabriel. He delivered the joyous news, and the world sprang into motion – stars, angels, sheep, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and eventually even Herod…

For children aged 4–10. 35 minutes with no break.

Direction: Jarmila Vlčková

Sript: Jarmila Vlčková

Stage setting: Barbora Jakubková

Puppets: Luděk Joska

Music by: Jiří  and Petr Vyšohlíd

Starring:  Jana Vyšohlídová

Technical specifications: stage space 4x4m, flat, solid floor, back horizon, complete blackout, presence of a light technician before and throughout the whole performance, possibility of borrowing spotlights for basic illumination of the stage.


MgA. Jana Vyšohlídová

produkční a loutkoherečka Divadla U staré herečky

Biskupcova 1765/15, Praha 3, 130 00

+420 603 367 625

[email protected]